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Doctorss – Doctor Appointment and Prescription System with Website

Doctorss is an online Doctor Appointment and Scheduler application software for getting an appointment very easily over the internet. This application software is built upon PHP with Codeigniter Framework. The doctor can Create online Prescription and patient can take doctor schedule from anywhere in the world. Login info: Login URL : Website URL : […]

Docrib – Doctor Appointment System

It is a very simple process to manage everything, get appointed with the doctors, and a very easy login process for doctors, assistants, and staff. Additionally, this software is the perfect package for the doctor side, they can set up their own schedule and manage the serial from this site. The same as Staff and […]

Bayanno Hospital Management System

Bayanno Hospital Management System is the most complete and multi-functional hospital or medical center management system on Codecanyon. It collaborates admin, patients, doctors, nurses, laboratorists, pharmacists, receptionist, accountants so that all the paperworks and manual tiresome works can be automated easily and efficiently. Features Hundreds of automation features 8 type of user accounts Easiest appointment […]

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