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Quizier Multipurpose Viral Application & Capture Leads

Visual Editor Create Polls: Let readers share their opinion by having them vote to see how their views compare with others’. Quizzes: Quizier is loaded with three type of quizzes formats, Personality, Trivia and Logic Quizzes. Trivia: Give users a challenge by asking questions to test their knowledge in an interactive, visual format. Flip card: […]

Quizier Multipurpose Viral Application & Capture Leads

Visual Editor Create Polls: Let readers share their opinion by having them vote to see how their views compare with others’. Quizzes: Quizier is loaded with three type of quizzes formats, Personality, Trivia and Logic Quizzes. Trivia: Give users a challenge by asking questions to test their knowledge in an interactive, visual format. Flip card: […]

Quizzes Plugin for Buzzy

Take quizzes to find your perfect skin care routine, which hot celeb guy you should date, what your college major should be, who matches your style star personality, and much more! Get start to make great viral quizzes with Buzzy Quizzes Plugin TODAY! Click here and Try it yourself! NEW! Quiz Importer. Import quiz posts […]

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