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Δωρεάν ηλεκτρονική τιμολόγηση – myDATA ΑΑΔΕ module for Perfex CRM

Δωρεάν τιμολόγηση myDATA Αν χρησιμοποιείτε το Perfex CRM και θέλετε να διαβιβάζετε τα τιμολόγιά σας στο myDATA χωρίς κανένα απολύτως μηνιαίο κόστος, τότε το AADE myDATA Connector module είναι η λύση που ψάχνετε! Ενώ οι περισσότερες λύσεις της αγοράς χρεώνουν ανά μήνα, ανά τιμολόγιο ή ακόμα και ανά αριθμό πελατών, το AADE myDATA Connector module […]

Multi-Coin Crypto-Payment Gateway

Multi-Coin Crypto-Payment Gateway is a PHP cryptocurrency payment processor based on BitGo API which allows you to receive payments in  btc, bch, bsv, btg, dash, ltc, xrp, zec, xlm and ERC20 TOKENS directly on your website with simple integration, with no fees, transaction cost or a middleman. Multi-Coin Crypto-Payment Gateway is AJAX based, easy integrations, […]

Zaistock – Free & Premium Stock Photo, Video, Audio, Icon Illustration Script

Introduction Zaistock is a React/next js Laravel Multivendor free & premium digital stock (Image, Video, Audio, Illustration, Icon) selling Marketplace script implemented based on Laravel, React, React toolkit, React Query, React Hook Form & Bootstrap. It’s very easy to use. And the most secure and fast application. You can set up your API endpoints very […]

Cicool – Page, Form, Rest API and CRUD Generator

Gift Give me good review, and claim free this module Firebase Chat Module and other have reviewed ? Claim Now limited time! cicool Cicool web builder is used to create dynamic web, making rest API, Dynamic Forms, CRUD dynamic and Page Builder incredible, build web application fast and possible!. Features HMVC CRUD Generator PAGE Generator […]

Perfex GraphQL API – Query all CRM’s data, including Custom Modules!

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. GraphQL Support for Perfex CRM Our module brings GraphQL API support to Perfex CRM, offering you the ability to access both native and custom modules’ data! GraphQL provides a powerful and flexible approach to data exchange in modern applications by allowing clients to interact with server-side data […]

REST API module for Perfex CRM – Connect your Perfex CRM with third party applications

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. REST API for Perfex This module allows you to enable REST API functionality at your your Perfex CRM installation. It includes a variety of useful commands in order to control your Perfex installation remotely, build third party connections and access Perfex’s information in real-time! Seamlessly integrate your […]

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