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Astronex – Astrology, Horoscope Gemstone Store Shopify Theme

Astronex – Best Shopify Theme, its Support enables Store for Magic, Natural Reiki, Energy healing, Natal charts reading classes and lessons, events, workshops, and seminars, gift cards and certificates, Books Selling. So, you can easily create your website just how you like it. SEO and Mobile optimized: Your precious products deserve a premium quality website. […]

Kriya – Meditation Yoga Shopify Theme

Kriya is a mesmerising Shopify Yoga Store Design created for online stores selling yoga, gym,yoga fit, yoga studio, yoga fitness, yoga asana, yoga health, yoga beauty, yoga bar, yoga booking, yoga class, yoga center, yoga event, yoga flyer, yoga instructor, meditation, massage, yoga online, yoga products, yoga Pilates,wellness center, Weight loss centers, Fitness centers, Indian […]

Kriya – Yoga WordPress Theme

Yoga trainer & Meditation center WordPress theme Kriya is a Yoga and Spiritual Wellness WordPress theme. Create websites for Yoga trainer, Meditation centers, Asana Instructor, Physical & Mental wellness center, Weight loss centers, Fitness centers, Indian culture & Heritage development centers. This Yoga WordPress theme has modules for Yoga Poses, Yoga Trainer details, Mantras, Yoga […]

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