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AWS Amazon Translate – Advanced Neural Machine Translation Service

Description Amazon Translate uses a advanced neural machine learning (ML) process to translate text and documents. It delivers fast, high-quality, affordable, and customizable language translation. Neural machine translation is a form of language translation automation that uses deep learning models to deliver more accurate and more natural sounding translation than traditional statistical and rule-based translation […]

WHMCS Advanced Menu Manager

It was hard before to manage WHMCS menu, for example if you want to add new menu item, change it?s place or make it hidden or shown in certain condition, or even to translate the title. Earlier it required you to know at least the basics of HTML and CSS, or to deal with PHP […]

Naxos – App Landing Page WordPress Theme

Naxos is a powerful responsive and mobile friendly App showcase WordPress theme built with Bootstrap framework. Anyone can use this template showcase any product and customize features. If you are wondering to build your online Marketing/Business landing page Naxos is the perfect theme for you. You can use Naxos as a better way to present […]

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