Temporix – is a Coworking space solution that is mainly used for building a business website that can offer working space sites. It is a very easy and reliable Coworking Space Script where all the necessary features are available. In the system, visitors can register as users and can book the spaces like necessary. In the system, there are multiple location methods available so the admin or site owner can easily add the spaces under any location. The admin can disable the multi-location system then he can list the spaces in one location.
The user can book the spaces and pay later. Admin can make the booking for the user from the admin dashboard. Also, there is an integrated automatic payment gateway like Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Coinbase, Paystack, VogurePay, Coingate, Flutterwave, and many more. Also, it has a manual payment method that the user can pay, once the manual payment is requested then the request will be sent to the admin for review it.
Preview Details:
Demo Page: https://temporix-preview.tdevs.co/
Default Theme: https://temporix.tdevs.co/
Home Page 2: https://spaceify.tdevs.co/
User Login: https://temporix.tdevs.co/login
Email: [email protected], Password: 12345678
Admin Login: https://temporix.tdevs.co/admin/login
Email: [email protected], Password: 12345678
Stripe Demo Card: 4242424242424242
Expiry Date: Any date in the future, CVV: 123
Admin Features
In the Dashboard menu, If there is a Pending Booking, Pending Payment, or Settings that site owner can see this after logging into the admin panel. They are immediate tasks to complete first. Then admin can see the cards of all the basic data of the website. Also can see the statistics for the Last 7 Days of space bookings. You can explore other statistics and Recently Registered users.
In the Customers menu, there are all the registered customers can be found. Admin can add a new user to the system.
Manage Roles and Manage Staffs
In the Manage Roles menus, the admin can add any of the roles to the application and can assign any of the permissions to that role. In the Manage Staffs menu admin can add new staff and can assign any of the roles to the staff with his permission.
Space Management
They are all listed spaces and the admin can add new spaces from here. Before doing it admin need to set the type of space and the locations if it is multi-location basis.
All the bookings can be explored from here
Under this menu, the admin can see the pending payments and the history of the payments.
Automatic Gateways
Admin can see the automatic payment gateways for deposit and withdrawal. He can set multiple currencies in a single gateway supported. Multiple currency-supported gateways are available.
Payment Methods
Admin can set the automatic payment methods that will be set for any supported currency on the gateways. Also can be added the menual payment gateways.
Under the Site settings admin can set the site essentials and manage the permission and so many essential stuffs. In email settings admin can setup the SMTP. Set the seo meta, can be added new languages from the language settings. Under the page settings admin can manage the register page fields. In the plugin settings admin can setup essentials addons to the platform.
Site theme can be select from here and can be added HTML template as a home page here. Admin can add extra custom css to the platform from here.
Landing Page
All the home page sections can be managed by the admin here.
All the page’s contents and can add a new custom page from this menu by admin.
Site Navigation
All the site Navigation, Header, Footer, and User dashboard Navigation can be handled from this menu.
All Subscribers
Admin can see all the subscribers and send the message to them from here.
Clear Caches
Admin can Clear Caches by clicking this menu.
Application Details
In this menu, the admin can explore the full Application Details
Key Features:
- Customer Management
- 25+ payment gateway supports
- Login as User
- Staff Management
- Role Management
- User Mail send
- Multi Locations
- Space Bookings
- Book now Pay later
- Landing Page
- Fully Responsive
- Automatic and Manual Payment
- Admin URL changeable
- Signup Bonus
- Landing Page Management
- Home page redirection
- Pages Management
- Home page redirection
- Pages SEO
- Site Navigation
- Site Footer
- Custom Site Currency
- Theme Management
- Dynamic Landing Theme
- Site Maintenance Mode
- GDPR Settings
- Language Settings
- Tawk Chat
- Google reCaptcha
- Google Analytics
- Messenger
- Email Newsletter
- SEO Meta Settings
- Permissions Settings
- Inactive User Settings
- Site Bonus Settings
- Custom CSS
- Clear Caches
- System Details
System Requirements:
- Laravel >=10.0
- PHP >= 8.1
- MySQL 5.7+
- Font Awesome Icon
- Lucid Icons
- Flaticon
Photo Credit:
Version 1.1 – 22th Feb 2024
[Added] - Space Stock available feature
Version 1.0 – 14th Feb 2024
Initial Release