The Fox theme is a comprehensive WordPress solution for local news websites, newsrooms, online magazines and independent reporters. We take care everything to make sure you have a stable website in long-term: Ads, SEO, Newsletter, Tracking, WooCommerce, ACF, Translation, Paywall & paid content, Multilingual site (WPML, Polylang), Performance (Core web vitals on mobile), Forms, Builder & Writing.
The Fox is made for a novice who has zero coding skills, a newsroom without tech department, an independent journalist that only wants to focus on writing or a blogger start building a review magazine.
Visit The Fox landing page for more detail:
Helpful info
Feature list
Core features
- WordPress 6.7.x compatible
- 30+ demos included to get started easier
- Free lifetimes updates (you never have to pay for updates)
- WooCommerce 8.x, 9.x compatible
- Responsive and mobile friendly
- Gutenberg + Classic Editor supported
- Classic widgets supported
- Wide/boxed site layout
- Custom content width, sidebar width
- Custom site background, border, margin, padding
- Sticky sidebar option
- SEO Optimised (compatible with Yoast SEO, Rank Math..)
- Online Documentation – View The Fox theme documentation
- Top-notch Support
Page Builder
- Drag and drop Homepage Builder right in the Live Customizer
- Super-intuitve & easy to understand. You have builder immediate after installing, no further steps.
- Live preview for the builder. What you see is what you get.
- Supports section, row, column for the layout and lot of elements:
- post grid
- post list
- post group
- post carousel
- post slider
- post masonry
- banner/advertisement
- heading
- button
- spacer
- divier
- text editor
- sidebar/widgets
- page content
- html/shortcode
- Super-fast for the frontend while It focuses on the homepage with only necessary materials being loaded. The fatest page builder for your a news website builder you can find, we guarantee.
- Non-duplicated posts: If you check, it shows no posts twice
- Custom post type: each news block has option to choose custom post type & custom taxonomy.
Super-Fast & Optimized for High-performance
- Compatible with major optimization plugins: WP Rocket, Imagify, LiteSpeed, Autoptimize, W3Total Cache, WP Supercahce, Sitegroud Optimizer
- 8x/100 (mobile) and 8x/100 (dekstop) without optimization plugin
- 9x/100 (mobile) and 99/100 (desktop) with optimization plugin
- 99/100 GTMetrix
- Helps your site to pass Google Core web vitals
- Can handle websites up to 100,000 posts. We have lot of customers having from 10,000 – 100,000 posts.
SEO Friendly
- SEO Friendly. First, It’s lightweight and fast on mobile. Google loves it.
- Compatible with major SEO plugins: Yoast SEO, Rank Math..
High compatibility
- Tested with PHP 5, 7, 8 (require at least PHP 5.4 but most servers nowadays have PHP at least 7.x)
- Tested with hostings: SiteGround, NameCheap, Cloudways, Bluehost, Hostinger, Godaddy..
- Compatible with lot of plugins:
- WooCommerce
- Jetpack
- Contact form 7
- All in one Security
- Wordfence
- Yoast SEO
- Math Rank
- So on
Dark Mode/Night Mode
- Supports forced dark mode (ie. your site is always in dark mode) view example >>
- Supports dark-mode toggle button, reader can change their dark/light preferences, view example >>
GDPR Compliant
- The Fox or none of our WordPress themes collect any kind of personal data, like email, name or IP addresses.
Comprehensive font settings
- 5 primary font positions: body, heading, nav, custom 1, 2
- Have font settings for most of elements: post title, meta, excerpt, category, logo, widget.. anywhere you see text
- Each font position can be either predefined primary font position or a new font selection
- Font can be selected from system font (Arial, Georgia..), google font or your custom uploaded webfont.
- You can limit only weights google font will load to optimize site speed
Header builder
- Drag & drop header builder, right in the Customizer, live preview, what you see is what you get
- 3 sections: topbar, main, header bottom. Flexible to design your own header
- Set light/dark/background, border.. for each header section
- Necessary header elements included: logo, menu, hamburger, button, darkmode, cart, social, search, html.
- Sticky header option
- Mega-menu, easy to set up. Just check a box in the menu item to make mega-menu. Hassle-free.
- Text or image logo with comprehensive typograhy options
- 4 search styles to choose from
- Drag/drop elements to build off-canvas menu.
Versatile footer layouts
- Predefined footer layouts: 4 columns, 5 columns, 50-25-25, ..
- Use widgets to build footer sidebar area.
- Drag & drop elements to design footer bottom area.
Single post
- Choose 7 predefined single post layouts, including 2 hero styles like nytimes.
- 5 post formats supported: standard, video, gallery, audio, link
- 7 gallery styles
- Sidebar position: right/left/none
- Content width: Full or narrow
- Live post: View example >>
- Post Review
Many ad spots
The Fox allows you to have ad in:
- Header: with a header sidebar, set respectively for desktop/mobile.
- Footer: Any of footer sidebar
- Main sidebar
- Single post: before & after post content
- Any position in the homepage builder with the Banner/Ad element.
Translation Ready
- Quick Translate panel in Customizer > Quick Translate, no plugins needed.
- Loco Translate compatible
- Polylang compatible
- WPML compatible
- Co-authors support, you can have guest author or 2, 3 authors in one post.
- View count: You can display most viewed posts by week, month, year..
- Reading process: Cool reading progress for single post.
- Reading time: Indicates how long the post is.
- Retina ready, supports all retina devices
- All modern browsers supported: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge..
- Auto updates with Envato Market plugin
- Show/Hide everything in your site.
- Most of options are local and global: ie. there’s an option for each single post and there’s an option in Customizer that applies for all posts.
- Custom header logo URL
- Upload default thumbnail in case there’s no thumbnail
- Custom post blog thumbnail, ie. you can set blog image that’s different from single post thumbnail.
- Multi-site ready
- Sentence base: word or character
- Human-reading time: 3 days ago, 19 hours ago..
- Built-in theme light box, which can be set on/off
- Unlimited sidebars with the sidebar manager
- Child theme included & supported
- Online Documentation – View The Fox theme docs
- Top-notch Support
What’s included in the download package?
- Installable WordPress theme file
- All prebuilt demos with one-click import.
- All necessary plugins
- FREE lifetime updates even when support expired.
- 6 months support by default (or 12 months if you choose).
- Direct support by theme author
- Online theme documentation
The Fox docs
Updates & Support
Once purchased, you have LIFE TIME FREE updates. You can enable auto-updates if you want. See update guide >>. For support, please open ticket in our support desk.