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Vipub – PHP Social Network Platform Script

Vipub is a PHP Social Network Script, Vipub is the best way to start your own social network website! Our platform is fast, secured, and it is being regularly updated.

  • Current Version: v2.2.5,View Full Change Log.
  • Looking For Demo? View Demo (You can sign up with any random information.)
  • Easily import your users from other social networking platforms such as WoWonder and Sngine to Vipub. (Send us an email)

The basis of the Vipub script is Twitter. If you want to set up a social networking site like Twitter, this is the best script among your alternative options.


– Perfect New Generation Twitter Clone Script
– Perfect and Powerful Admin Panel,
– Multi UI Theme system (Dynamic)
– Multiple picture sharing system,
– Video sharing system,
– GIF insertion and sharing system from the Internet,
– Survey launch system,
– Fundraising system,
– User wallet system,
– Affiliate program system,
– Inter-user money transfer system,
– User withdrawal instruction system,
– Stripe, Paystack, Razorpay, Flutterwave, Iyzico Online payment systems,
– Amazon, Wasabi, Backblaze and FTP Cloud Storage System,
– Games system without leaving the site,
– Movie watching system without leaving the site,
– Premium membership system
– Premium gifting system
– User subscription system
– 3 Different user appearance system (White, Dark, Black)
– Multiple account adding and switching system,
– Multi-language system,
– User profile system,
– User verification system (Blue badge, gold badge, gray badge),
– Category selection system for user verifications,
– App creation and authorization system for developers (Vipub OAuth Client),
– Private APIs for developers,
– Profile locking system (Protect posts – Only followers can see),
– OneSignal Push Notifications,
– Email notification system,
– User notification system,
– Inter-user messaging system (DM),
– Messages privacy system (DM),
-User ads system,
– Ability to send voice recordings in messages
– User registration system with invitation code
– 3 Different user ban systems.
– Improved SMTP Email sending system
– Perfect PWA System
– Bookmark system
– User follow system
– Post comment system
– Post liking system
– Post quoting system
– Post comment quoting system
– Post sharing system
– OG system for links
– Dynamic working Hashtag listing and display system
– Dynamic working user suggestion system
– Two-step verification system with Google Authenticator
– OAuth login system (Twitter, Google, Github, Facebook, Sngine)
– Two different user timeline systems (For you – Following)
– Dynamic sitemap system,
– Static pages system
and much more..

What technologies were used?

Vipub Social Media Script is developed on native php code without using any framework other than helper libraries. Vipub developers used popular technologies like Bootstrap and Jquery.

Server requirements

PHP 8.1 or Higher.
Apache & Litespeed
PHP Extensions: mysqli, mbstring & curl
PHP Library: GD
PHP Funcrions: allow_url_fopen() & mail()


v2.2.5 Update (January 24, 2025)

(Fixed) - Critical bugs in the previous version have been fixed

v2.2.4 Update (January 23, 2025)

(Updated) - Vipub Documentation
(Updated) - System Security
(Updated) - System Optimization
(Updated) - Vipub PHP Dependencies
(Updated) - Vipub JS Dependencies
(New) - Added German, French, Spanish and Portuguese languages
(New) - Added feature to pin post to profile
(New) - The page layout is supported for right-to-left (RTL) languages.
(New) - Added feature for users to delete their own accounts.
(New) - Added ability to redirect to post content when clicking on post
(New) - Added LiteSpeed compatibility capability
(New) - A system has been integrated to seamlessly transfer all your Sngine users to Vipub
(New) - A system has been integrated to seamlessly transfer all your WoWonder users to Vipub
(New) - A real-time conversion structure was implemented using Exchangerate API for the Flutterwave payment system.
(New) - Flutterwave payment gateway added
(New) - Iyzico payment gateway added
(New) - Added follower adding system to the user
(New) - Added modal system to respond quickly to posts
(New) - Added privacy setting system for users' direct messages
(New) - Added ability to share images via Copy/Paste
(New) - Added Censored Words system for unwanted words in posts
(New) - Added Censored Domain system for unwanted domain in posts
(New) - Added Brute Force Detection system for user account security
(New) - Added ability to embed mobile apps on landing pages
(New) - Added permission system for users to switch between "Themes". Open/Close
(New) - Added ability to set default site appearance White/Black
(New) - Added /update.php page to update the script more easily
(New) - Added ability to reply to posts without page refresh and list replies without page refresh
(New) - +20 new data added to website currency symbol
(New) - +20 new data added to website currency
(New) - Added ability to show loading gif when changing profile photo
(New) - Added ability to save to cloud storage for profile photo
(New) - Added FTP Storage capability for media files
(New) - Added Backblaze cloud storage capability for media files
(New) - Added Wasabi cloud storage capability for media files
(New) - Added 20+ new Country VAT Rate support
(New) - Added ability to edit current Country & VAT
(New) - Added Ability to add new Country & VAT value
(New) - Added the ability to send bulk notifications from the Admin Panel to all users subscribed to notifications
(New) - Added OneSignal Push Notifications capability
(New) - Dynamically added scroll event in the right sidebar when the page scrolls
(New) - Added "My Ads" page to see all the ads you've created
(New) - Added ability to create paragraph answers to the answer system
(New) - Vipub sharing plugin added. (Provide direct share link to your own website)
(New) - Added Stories tab to preferred Feed area
(New) - Added login system with your Sngine account
(New) - Added support for all world languages ​​to admin panel / Languages
(New) - Added system for adding likes to a post from the admin panel
(New) - Improved OEmbed system added
(Redesign) - Custom email sending template has been renewed
(Redesign) - Welcome page colors changed to lighter colors
(Update) - Nginx compatibility capability upgraded
(Update) - Improved dynamic sitemap creation structure
(Update) - The Reserve / Banned usernames structure has been completely changed and started to support the comma separated system
(Fixed) - Fixed the issue where already verified accounts would lose their verified badges when they upgraded to Premium
(Fixed) - Fixed bug with withdrawing funds using wallet balance
(Fixed) - Fixed the issue where earnings were not added for the user registered through the affiliate program
(Fixed) - XSS vulnerabilities in areas such as posting, replying to posts and quoting have been fixed
(Fixed) - 2FA login issue bug fixed
(Fixed) - Fixed the issue of showing double headers on the Direct Messages page with the user.
(Fixed) - Fixed mobile menu and mobile bottom status bar color transparency issue in responsive design
(Fixed) - Password reset request email design issue fixed and replaced with new design
(Fixed) - Fixed the error where the new password could not be determined with the password reset link.
(Fixed) - Fixed the issue of not receiving a password reset link via email.
(Fixed) - Fixed the issue where Latin letters were not allowed in the screen name update section
(Fixed) - XSS vulnerability for "Full name" in the registration system has been fixed
(Fixed / Update) - Fixed double click issue when changing profile picture and increased minimum profile picture size to 10MB

v2.2.3 Update (December 19, 2024)

(New) - A new page has been added for clarity after successful installation.
(Update) - Admin panel links updated to "admin_cp".
(Update) - Nginx support upgraded (v1.2)
(Update) - Files with phtml extension have been dynamicized as PHP
(Fixed) - Composer version problem fixed
(Fixed) - Fixed reported bugs in the Automatic Installation system
(Fixed) - Fixed reported "Brazil" timezone error
(Fixed) - Fixed reported Stripe API push bug
(Fixed) - Fixed the issue where paragraphs were not displayed in reported posts

v2.2.2 Update (December 15, 2024)

(New) - Nginx support added (Beta)
(New) - Added "Show more / Show less" system for texts longer than 500 characters
(New) - Added new variants for user notifications.
(New) - System to display a user's past username changes. "Old/New" (Admin panel)
(New) - System to display a user's past email changes. "Old/New" (Admin panel)
(New) - Added the ability to display the website logo as "Favicon or default logo" (on/off).
(New) - Added a system to send "Your account is under review" and "Your account has been approved" notifications when users submit an account verification process.
(New) - Added "Profile sharing tool" system to the user profile. (Web Sharing API)
(New) - The site's meta:title, meta:description and meta:image elements have been restructured and made dynamic for SEO.
(New) - In user wallet balance transactions, a system has been added to convert all transactions to the user's country currency (exchange rate).
(New) - Google Fonts support and the ability to specify a new site font from the website settings (Admin panel) have been added.
(New) - Commission (VAT) system has been added. (Value can be set from admin panel.)
(New) - The 4 most followed user accounts feature has been added to the admin panel homepage.
(New) - An information system showing the average monthly visitor count of the site has been added to the admin panel homepage.
(New) - The ability to add and delete new languages ​​has been added via Admin panel > UI Languages.
(New) - A system has been added that allows users with multiple accounts to delete their accounts one by one or all by selecting them.
(New) - A system has been added for users to create ads.
(New) - The ability for the site administrator to receive (Commission / VAT) from ad campaigns and wallet top-ups has been added.
(New) - The ability to create tweet ads (Visible in User Feed)
(New) - Banner ad creation system. (Appears on Search and Discover pages)
(New) - Create a customized #Hashtag ad. (Shown in right sidebar)
(New) - Added the ability to show/hide the post sharing box on mobile devices (Admin panel)
(New) - Added 2 new pages Replies and Subscribers to the profile page.
(New) - Added a user subscription system
(New) - Added a user Premium system
(New) - Added a tweet reporting system.
(New) - 30+ new Restful APIs for native mobile apps in Vipub's system codes.
(New) - Added Russian display language
(New) - Paragraphing system has been added to direct messages.
(New) - Added compression system for system backend for Video and Image file uploads
(New) - Added an external page to manage user reports (Admin panel)
(New) - Improved user interaction with script components for composer with updated UI
(Renewed) - Serious innovations have been made in responsive design
(Renewed) - Mobile menu has been renewed
(Renewed) - Some improvements have been made to the regional hashtag listing structure.
(Renewed) - New user messaging page
(Renewed) - New user settings page
(Renewed) - The icon designs used in the interface have been changed
(Renewed) - The user reporting system has been renewed and a structure to specify the reason has been added. (more than 20 options)
(Fixed) - Important and critical errors when clicking the return button have been corrected. A new code structure was written for the return structure.
(Fixed) - Fixed the issue where posts sent in Arabic were not appearing as RTL.
(Fixed) - Critical errors regarding the total number of followers and followers list on the profile have been corrected.
(Fixed) - Critical errors regarding the total number of following and following list on the profile have been corrected.
(Fixed) - Fixed critical bug regarding total number of posts on profile.
(Fixed) - Fixed the bug where "mention reply and post reply" in the notification system was not opened.
(Fixed) - Fixed the issue where shared stories could not be viewed.
(Fixed) - Fixed reported bugs of the prev version
(Fixed) - a bug with login through social networks
(Core) - System kernel optimized for APIs
(Core) - Removed unused libraries
(Core) - Composer compatibility updated

And the handling of more than 400 system files covering the entire script has been overhauled.

v2.1.6 (November 14, 2024)

- (New) - Added ability to dynamically change the site's UI theme via the admin panel
- (New) - Added ability to select 10+ website currencies and website currency symbols from admin panel.
- (New) - Added ability to set affiliate program user earnings from admin panel.
- (New) - Dynamic language control and new language adding structure has been added for language management (Admin panel)
- (New) - Added dark theme option
- (New) - Added darkness theme option
- (New) - Stripe payment gateway added
- (New) - RazorPay payment gateway added
- (New) - PayStack payment gateway added
- (New) - Added the ability to change the currency set for the "Payment provider" to the site currency using the exchange rate when adding funds to the user wallet. (Successfully uploaded funds are automatically converted into the site currency and reflected.) NOTE: Not valid for Paystack
- (New) - Balance transfer system from user wallet to other users
- (New) - Instruction system for withdrawing balance from user wallet to bank account
- (New / Fixed) - Fixed and improved user wallet and wallet management system
- (New) - Affiliate Program system for users to earn money
- (New) - Added feature to collect donations from users
- (New) - Added feature to specify users' gender on registration page
- (New) - Added profile photo and cover photo specific to user gender
- (New) - Added two-step verification system with Google Authenticator
- (New) - User ads creation/publishing system
- (New) - Added ability to share up to 4 photos
- (New) - New post sharing system added. Posts containing "#, @ and domain" addresses are marked in blue, just like on Twitter.
- (New) - If the allowed characters in the post sharing box are exceeded, the background color of the exceeded characters is marked red (works like on Twitter)
- (New) - Added a new structure for the character limit shown in the new post share. Color transitions between "Blue, Yellow, Red" will work more dynamically.
- (New) - Added "Search GIF" feature to GIF selection area
- (New) - If a video is embedded in the post, an information card is added that shows the "Processing" time for the video to load and states "Do not close the browser tab." 
- (New) - Added autocomplete for "#{hashtag}" phrases when creating a post
- (New) - Added autocomplete for "@{user}" phrases when creating a post
- (New) - Added ability to add cover photo to user profile
- (New) - Posts reporting system
- (New) - Added dynamic PWA system
- (New) - User can create new polls and vote on polls
- (New) - Ability to view total number of votes cast for the relevant poll
- (New) - Ability to specify expiration time "Day, hour and minute" details for the created survey
- (New) - User session times will be stored for 1 year by default and the user account will not be automatically logged out.
- (New) - Added ability for users to create applications for the Vipub OAuth client.
- (New) - A new "API Application" system has been added for users to access "Vipub APIs".
- (New) - Added ability to set affiliate program user earnings from admin panel.
- (New) - Added infinite scroll for user homepage timeline.
- (New) - Added infinite scrolling capability with Ajax to Explore and Search pages. "Content is loaded as the page is scrolled." 
- (New) - Added feature to show how many people viewed posts
- (New) - The total posts of the users have been updated with expressions like "K, M, B" for the number of followers and followers they follow or the number of views of other posts, and "2.0 K, 3.1 M, 1.0 B" to make the numbers look more minimal.
- (New) - Added feature to see message read information in messages
- (New) - Added ability to turn on/off message read notification from admin panel
- (New) - Added "Switch Account" ability to quickly switch between your accounts
- (New) - Added the ability to turn on/off message read information to the Admin Panel
- (New) - Added information card that informs users "Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening".
- (New) - Added ability to turn on/off Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening feature in admin panel
- (New) - HTML5 games are supported so that users can experience the game directly without leaving the website.
- (New) - You can add new games, edit and delete them via the admin panel.
- (New) - Added the ability for users to experience listed movies directly without leaving the website.
- (New) - You can add new movies, edit and delete them via the admin panel.
- (New) - Tags listed in Trending Topics will no longer only accept phrases that start with "#" and will now list the most commonly matched phrases in user-generated content
- (New) - Users can create and share new stories. (Stories)
- (New) - Users have the ability to see how many people viewed their stories
- (New) - Users can see how many people liked their stories and receive notifications from users who liked them.
- (New) - Users can now record and share audio during messaging
- (New) - Ability to turn on/off user messaging via admin panel
- (New) - Added a system to verify user email addresses with a 6-digit code
- (New) - Added ability to turn on/off the user email address verification requirement setting in the admin panel
- (New) - Added the ability to share up to 4 photos when commenting on a post
- (New) - Added the ability to share videos when commenting on a post
- (New) - Added the ability to share GIF when commenting on a post
- (New) - Added the ability to set your comment to /Anyone can reply & no one can reply when commenting on a post
- (New) - The phrases "http/https or www" at the beginning of the links placed in a post have been removed and the overall length of the displayed URL has been limited to "29" characters. If it exceeds the limit, it will be cut with "...".
- (New) - Added ability to show link previews (OG Meta)
- (New) - Added the ability to turn on/off link preview and (OG Meta) data display settings from the admin panel.
- (New) - Added infinite scrolling capability with Ajax to Explore and Search pages. "Content is loaded as the page is scrolled." 
- (New) - Added ability to add social media links to user profiles
- (New) - Added ability to add followers to user (Admin Panel)
- (New) - Added infinite scrolling ability via Ajax to user profile "Following" and "Followers" pages
- (New) - Added ability for users to log in/sign up using their Github account (oAuth)
- (New) - Added ability for users to log in/sign up using their Facebook account (oAuth)
- (New) - Added Amazon AWS S3 integration for media file uploads.
- (New) - Added ability to list, edit and delete Hashtags via Admin Panel
- (New) - Country information used for hashtags and "interes score" feature for hashtags have been added.
- (New) - Show what's happening within the "Location zone" for the user. (List hashtags for location information)
- (New) - Admin can support new user registrations even if site registrations are closed by creating invitation codes
- (New) - Added a feature where you can temporarily ban user accounts based on "date". (He cannot use some features on the platform until his ban ends.) -- (You cannot create a new post, send a new reply, or send a message.)
- (New) - Added OAuth client for Vipub that can be integrated into other websites
- (New) - Website logo added to Header (Sticky)
- (New) - Bulk notification sending system to all users
- (Renewed) - The comment display system within the post thread has been renewed.
- (Update) - User profile redirects will now be redirected regardless of whether "@" is present or not.
- (Update) - Profile design has been renewed in the user profile display system.
- (Update) - Replaced the yellow gold verified user badge icon with a better visual
- (Update) - Improved account privacy system
- (Update) - GIF sharing system has been improved and its bugs have been fixed and made stable.
- (Update) - Fixed the issue where the added GIF could not be deleted
- (Update) - Fixed the issue where click events for image, video and gif selection were repeated twice in a row
- (Update) - For "Alert" messages in the user "Login" system, "sweetalert2" was used instead of the old alert system.
- (Fixed) - Fixed the Admin Panel favicon not changing issue.
- (Fixed) - The problem of not being able to log in without refreshing the page in the "Login" system has been solved.
And more..

v1.9.5 (October 7, 2024)

- (Fixed) - Contains urgent updates. (Applies to SQL, Vendor and Admin Panel)

v1.9.4 (October 2, 2024)

- (Fixed) - Urgent update for critical bugs reported in previous version.

v1.9.3 Update (September 26, 2024)

- (New) - Admin panel design and functions have been completely renewed
- (New) - Twitter view reworked and implemented instead of unwanted Instagram view
- (New) - Welcome landing page redesigned

- (Added / Fixed) - YouTube, Vimeo and Instagram links are placed within the iframe. (This function has been revamped and created entirely from scratch.)
- (Added) - Language file editing can now be done from the admin panel
- (Added) - Added User Multiple Account Holder (Control System) /User Edit Page
- (Added) - User profiles can now be accessed without the "@" sign. (/robertdayzen)
- (Added) - "Quote Tweet" system added
- (Added) - Associated Accounts system added
- (Added) - Sign in with your Google account
- (Added) - Set your timeline content viewing status
- (Added) - User reporting system added
- (Added) - Added ban on users not being able to create hashtags
- (Added) - Added user profile privacy system
- (Added) - Added "Blue, Gold and Grey" color options for verified badges and a "Square profile photo" feature for profiles with a "Gold - Grey" checkmark.
- (Added) - Added "select category" feature for verified accounts
- (Added) - Clicking on the username in a verified account profile opens a mockup for its verified status (Details shown)
- (Added) - Verified account applications (Open/Close) system has been added from the admin panel
- (Added) - Banned usernames feature added. (Usernames you do not want to be taken)
- (Added) - Added system to create fake users
- (Added) - Dynamic sitemap creation system added (Posts, Users, Pages)
- (Added) - Added system to check user profile api calls used
- (Added) - "Posts, People and Media" pages have been added to the "Explore" page. (Usage is the same as Twitter)
- (Added) - Added user account deletion (disable) feature

- (Fixed) - Technical errors in the password reset link have been fixed and made operational.
- (Fixed) - Errors in e-mail notification preferences have been fixed and made functional
- (Fixed) - The status bar on the profile page, which was created to notify you if a user was following you, was not working, this error has been fixed

- (Update) - Switched to (password_hash) system to store user passwords
- (Update) - Improvements have been made to the system of translating post texts into your browser language with Google, and calls have been updated.
- (Update) - Email sending system via SMTP has been updated for its new version
- (Update) - Updated for PHP version 8.2.0

 And much more..

v1.3 Update (September 7, 2023)

- [New] - The design structure of Instagram and Twitter (Theme)
- [New] - Welcome page with a simpler look
- [New - Developed] - New post sharing design
- [New - Developed] - New post listing design
- [New - Developed] - New post display system
- [New - Developed] - New post privacy system (Toggle commenting)
- [New - Added] - System for embedding TikTok videos
- [New - Added] - System for embedding YouTube videos
- [New - Added] - System for embedding Instagram posts
- [New - Added] - System for embedding Twitter posts
- [New - Added] - User bookmarks system
- [New - Added] - Customized emoji display system (Messages)
- [New - Added] - Improved menu area for user profile. (Posts, Quotes, Media, Likes)
- [New - Added] - 6 new languages ​​added. (Japanese, Chinese, Bengali, Hindi, French)
- [New - Added] - Sign in system with Twitter
- [New - Added] - Image sharing support for direct messages
- [New - Added] - Emoji sharing support for direct messages
- [New - Added] - System for selecting and sharing GIFs for new post creation (import via GIPHY)
- [New - Addet] - Added an "Alert system" for banned users, informing them that they are banned. (Login page)
- [New - Addet] - User verification request submission system
- [New - Addet] - Premium account system
- [New - Addet] - "Turn on/off" verification requests system (Admin panel)
- [Fixed] - Video sharing support for new post (Existing bugs fixed, unusability problem fixed)
- [Fixed] - Fixed the issue where non-logged-in users could use the like post and follow user buttons
- [Fixed] - Fixed the issue where non-logged-in users could not view the "Explore page, user profiles and post detail".
- [Fixed] - Fixed the issue where the total notifications counter (not being reset)

And in essence, more bugs are fixed, functionality is increased, and all obsolete technologies are removed and the latest versions are used.

And much more..

v1.0.2 Update (May 20, 2023)

- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Added ability to send SMTP Emails (SMTP Settings)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Added ability to toggle email sending (General site settings)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - User timeline refresh interval setting added (General site settings)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Added user messaging page refresh time interval setting (General site settings)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - "Number of unread messages" info counter added (Dashboard)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Added "Password reset sent" link info counter (Dashboard)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Ability to change your site logo and favicon was added (Change Logos and Favicon)
- [Added] - Added forgot password page (Forgot password / reset password)
- [Added] - Added emoji icon support to new post creation window (icon)
- [Added] - Added link support for #Hashtag and #Mention in profile bio area
- [Added] - User video sharing support
- [Added] - Added user email notifications
- [Fixed] - Fixed the issue of not scrolling to the bottom message on the Messaging page
- [Fixed] - Fixed the issue where the text on the messaging page is displayed side by side
- [Fixed] - Fixed page corruption issue when trying to see "Media" items in user profile

v1.0.1 Update (May 20, 2023)

- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Added ability to send SMTP Emails (SMTP Settings)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Added ability to toggle email sending (General site settings)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - User timeline refresh interval setting added (General site settings)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Added user messaging page refresh time interval setting (General site settings)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - "Number of unread messages" info counter added (Dashboard)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Added "Password reset sent" link info counter (Dashboard)
- [Added - ADMIN PANEL] - Ability to change your site logo and favicon was added (Change Logos and Favicon)
- [Added] - Added forgot password page (Forgot password / reset password)
- [Added] - Added emoji icon support to new post creation window (icon)
- [Added] - Added link support for #Hashtag and #Mention in profile bio area
- [Added] - User video sharing support
- [Added] - Added user email notifications
- [Fixed] - Fixed the issue of not scrolling to the bottom message on the Messaging page
- [Fixed] - Fixed the issue where the text on the messaging page is displayed side by side
- [Fixed] - Fixed page corruption issue when trying to see "Media" items in user profile

Initial release (April 10, 2023)

- Version 1.0.0, released on April 10, 2023.
Free Worldwide shipping

On all orders above $50

Easy 30 days returns

30 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa