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Now You can generate:
- Add, Edit Page
- Modal, View, Controller
- Searching, Sorting by field
- Pagination
- Export csv/pdf
- Single and multiple delete option
- Left join. Search, Sort data from foreign table
- Important features are one to many & many to many relationships
1) Input
2) Textarea
3) Dropdown (Data from foreign table)
4) Status
5) Image
6) Radio (Unlimited options)
7) Checkbox (Unlimited options)
9) Time
10) Datetime
required, min_length, max_length, exact_length, greater_than, less_than, alpha_numeric, alpha_dash, numeric, integer, decimal, is_natural, is_natural_no_zero, valid_email, valid_emails, valid_ip, valid_base64, xss_clean, prep_for_form, prep_url, strip_image_tags, encode_php_tags, trim, htmlspecialchars, urldecode
This generator is must have tool for you. You can generate code and start using admin panel or you can copy generated code to your project. You can build quick demo for your clients.
Freelancers, Agencies
Demo video :
Live Demo : Click Here
username : [email protected]
password : password