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DRMS SaaS – Digital Record Management System


Document and Records Management System (DRMS SaaS) software refers to the various features and functionalities that the software offers to help organizations manage their digital documents effectively.

Demo Details

Preview Link: Demo Link

Super Admin
Email : [email protected]
Password : 123456

Email : [email protected]
Password : 123456

Email : [email protected]
Password : 123456

Email : [email protected]
Password : 123456

Main Features

  1. Informative Dashboard
  2. User Management
  3. User Roles and Permissions
  4. Document Management
  5. Reminder Management
  6. Document Reminder Management
  7. Document Comment Management
  8. Share Document
  9. Support System
  10. Contact Management
  11. Category / Sub Category Management
  12. Company Settings
  13. Account Settings
  14. Application Settings
  15. Email Settings
  16. Multi Languages
  17. Payment Settings
  18. Manage Transaction
  19. Subscription Coupon & Coupon History Management
  20. Landing Page Enable/Disable Option
  21. Register Page Enable/Disable Option
  22. Multi Theme Colors
  23. RTL/LTR Theme
  24. Site SEO Setting
  25. Google Recaptcha Setting

System Requirements

  1. PHP >= 8.1
  2. BCMath PHP Extension
  3. Ctype PHP Extension
  4. Fileinfo PHP extension
  5. JSON PHP Extension
  6. Mbstring PHP Extension
  7. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  8. PDO PHP Extension
  9. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  10. XML PHP Extension


For any questions,issue or suggestions request please mail me at [email protected]


We don’t have a refund policy If you download our code! Please check our demo before you make any purchases! Feel free to ask us your pre-sale query and customization!


 Version 1.7 (12 September 2024)
 * Added Flutterwave payment gateway integration in subscription packages. 
 * Fixed small issues.
 Version 1.6 (22 April 2024)
 * Added theme multicolor with custom color picker 
 * Small improvement in theme design layout.
 Version 1.5 (22 March 2024)
 * Fixed small issues.
 Version 1.4 (28 February 2024)
 * Small improvement in pricing, settings, and role page design layouts. 
 * Fixed small issues.
 Version 1.3 (31 Jan 2024)
 * Added New Payment Gateway like Bank Transfer & PayPal
 Version 1.2 (27 January 2024)
 * Small improvement in sidebar
 * Landing page & Register Page Enable/Disable Option
 * Added Google Recaptcha
 * Added SEO Settings
 * Added Subscription Coupon Modules
 * Code Optimization
 * Added More Language
 Version 1.1 (13 November 2023)
 * Added Landing page
 Version 1.0 (12 November 2023)
 * Initial Release