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Handwriting Animated Text – SVG & Responsive

SVG handwriting font plugin.

This is the PHP Javascript version of the plugin for wordpress Responsive SVG Handwritting Text Animation – WordPress Plugin

Create animated string from any svg font file.

  • Compatible with any browser, including Internet Explorer
  • Use your own font file. Any font can be used
  • Publish your animation anywhere with a few lines of PHP code.
  • Using presets.
  • Filled or outlined mode. View example 1 and example 2
  • SVG Icons font supported (test the font “Modern Pics” in the live demo)
  • Gradient mode or unlimited multiple color mode. Define a sequence of colors or simply choose the base color and the final color to create the gradient
  • Set the size, line thickness, background color, write speed or time between each letter and customize your animation
  • Create stylish animations unlimited and publish in 5 minutes.

Customer feedback


Copy the file “font_anim.php” on your server. This file must be present in the directory.
Create your animation with the control panel and get your code by clicking “Get Code”.
Code is automatically generated from dashboard like this :

        "color" => array("#a0e660","#a00960") ,
        "color_blend" => array("#a0e660","#a00960"), 
        "stroke" => 19,
        "outline_color" => "#a0e660",
        "background" => "#c25dc2",
        "mode" =>1, 
        "height" => 600, 
        "width" => 1500, 
        "size" => 150, 
        "speed" => 1, 
        "type" => "cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.250, 0.750, 0.750)", 
        "font" => "Sevillana-Regular.svg", 
        "transition" => 300, 
        "fill" => false, 
        "vertical" => 1000 
        )); ?>  

Paste code anywhere in a PHP file.

First you have to include a file called “font_anim.php”.

WORDPRESS VERSION AVAILABLE HERE : http://codecanyon.net/item/handwriting-wordpress-svg-parallax-font-plugin/6800392

Changelog :

Version 1.12 – 10 August 2014

Added the control of the outline color
Added the control of the animation type
Fixed bug

Version 1.11 – 05 May 2014

Improved browser compatibility (IE)
Added premium color input
Improved administration control panel

Version 1.10 – 20 April 2014

Added possibility to publish many animation on the same page
Fixed bug on the IE browser
Added features to control panel

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