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Ashade | Photography WordPress Theme

Ashade Photography Description Ashade Photography is a minimal and creative Premium WordPress Theme for Photographers, created in Dark Mode. Ashade Photography can help you to make your own photo portfolio or any kind of showcases. Ashade Photography contains 18 layouts for photo galleries and sliders, minimal home page with great features to show everything your […]

Central – Versatile, Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

CENTRAL is a highly versatile multi-purpose WordPress theme. Choose between 4 fluid AJAX animations, create unlimited Parallax pages, take advantage of awesome Revolution Slider. Build you web site using our highly intuitive and friendly to use framework. Main Features Mix Full-Width and Standard Grid – Choose full-width or standard grid for header, footer or content […]

Handwriting Animated Text – SVG & Responsive

SVG handwriting font plugin. This is the PHP Javascript version of the plugin for wordpress Responsive SVG Handwritting Text Animation – WordPress Plugin Create animated string from any svg font file. Compatible with any browser, including Internet Explorer Use your own font file. Any font can be used Publish your animation anywhere with a few […]

Handwriting Animated Text – SVG & Responsive

SVG handwriting font plugin. This is the PHP Javascript version of the plugin for wordpress Responsive SVG Handwritting Text Animation – WordPress Plugin Create animated string from any svg font file. Compatible with any browser, including Internet Explorer Use your own font file. Any font can be used Publish your animation anywhere with a few […]

Revelance – Multi/One-Page Business Parallax Theme

Revelance is a modern WordPress theme made to look awesome on any size of screen. Revelance is ideal theme for any agency like creative design agency, web development agency, PR agency, fashion agency, as a theme for startup company or well established company. It would also look great for product or service landing page or […]

Infographer – Multi-Purpose Infographic Theme

INFOGRAPHER is a ultimate infographic highly interactive WordPress theme. Use our awesome infographics and other interactive elements, choose between 4 fluid AJAX animations, create unlimited Parallax pages, take advantage of awesome Revolution Slider. Build you web site using our highly intuitive and friendly to use framework. Main Features Infographics – Counters, horizontal graphs, icon graphs, […]

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