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Open/Closed sign

This class is a simple open/closed sign plugin, which can be used on any webpage showing the current status of a shop/store…

The admin can change the status from open to close or vice versa by simply kliking a button od the admin page.

Additionally opening hours can be set, and the script can automatically change the status accoring to these hours.

No Database is required, the status is saved in a file on the server.


– simple functions for setting the status – @see open(), @see close(), @see toggle()

– simple functions for checking the status @see status(), @see isOpen(), @see isClosed()

– set security token, so that only the admin can edit the status

– rendering of the admin page with a customizable template

– setting opening hours for weekdays

– the script can automatically change status accoring to opening hours

– no database is required

Check the the demo and online documentation here:

