RecipePoint is a responsive and user-friendly recipe management system. In this system, users can easily open an account here, purchase a recipe package and add his/her recipe. Users can add free or pro recipe under a package. Admin can earn money in 2 ways. One is through recipe packages and another is getting commissions for each pro recipe sale. Users can earn money creating a pro recipe.
This CMS is developed using procedural PHP. So, it can easily be customized by other programmers. Developers will be able to understand the source code easily and can modify the database and files if needed.
The source code of this script is very easy and clean. The interface is user-friendly. Non-technical users can modify every contents, photos etc.
This script has some awesome features. We are giving those below:
- Easy and simple interface
- Fully responsive
- Clean codes
- Easy Installation in domain or subdomain
- Data statistics in dashboard
- User Registration with email verification
- User account forget password option
- Wishlist items option for users
- Unlimited package creation by admin
- Free and Pro both package creation
- Total number of recipes option in a package
- Unlimited photos in a package
- Unlimited videos in a package
- Author details and his recipes in front end
- Recipe categories
- Categories recipe view
- All free recipes in a page
- All pro recipes in a page
- Search recipes by single or multiple categories
- Search recipes by single or multiple types
- Search recipes by single or multiple difficulties
- Search recipes by single or multiple cuisines
- Search recipes by single or multiple cooking methods
- Search recipes by recipe title (text)
- Review management for each recipe
- Comment management for each recipe
- Add, edit, delete review for his own item by user
- Manage payment setting (PayPal, Stripe, Bank) by admin
- Manage Blog, categories and comments
- Purchase packages using PayPal, Stripe, Bank by user
- Clear database option to start the script from scratch
- Secured against attack
- SMTP Email System
- Google Recaptcha for front end forms
- Google Recaptcha on/off system
- Tawk live chat show or hide
- Tawk live chat api code option
- Google analytic id manage option
- Google analytic show or hide
- LTR or RTL layout selection option
- Complete language change option
- Show or hide menu items
- Change menu text
- Cookie consent text, button, color change option
- Theme color change option
- Email template change option for various types of emails
- New page creation or edit option
- Package Purchase history by admin
- Recipe Purchase history by admin
- Invoice show and print option
- Recipe print option
- Unlimited Recipe ingredient adding system
- Unlimited Recipe steps adding system
- PHP version: 8.2 or higher
- PDO Extension
- GD Library
- cURL
- allow_url_fopen
- Mbstring
Front End: https://demo.phpscriptpoint.com/recipepoint
Admin Panel: https://demo.phpscriptpoint.com/recipepoint/admin
Admin Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234
User Panel: https://demo.phpscriptpoint.com/recipepoint/login
User Panel Login: [email protected] | 1234
Note: Data will not saved in demo version.
Version: 2.0 (February 04, 2025)
- Updated the script to PHP 8.2 compatible. - Added banner photo option to show banner photo in the front end.
Version: 1.11 (July 09, 2024)
- Fixed multi photos showing bugs in recipe single page
Version: 1.10 (July 05, 2024)
- Fixed the auto increment value and pricing issue.
Version: 1.9 (January 03, 2023)
- Bug in email sending to subscribers from admin is fixed.
Version: 1.8 (December 10, 2022)
- Fixed the minor bug for wishlist add section
Version: 1.7 (August 03, 2022)
- Bring language keys into json file from the old table system to increase performance
Version: 1.6 (April 10, 2022)
- Minor bug fixed in contact page.
Version: 1.5 (February 11, 2022)
- Added user friendly url for agent profile page (added username field). - Supported php 8.1 - PHPMailer updated for sending emails.
Version: 1.4 (October 16, 2021)
- User free package enroll minor bug fixed
Version: 1.3 (October 06, 2021)
- Menu show or hide option bug fixed
Version: 1.2 (October 04, 2021)
- Fixed the currency issue. Now it will be shown in all web server correctly. - Fixed the minor database entry bug.
Version: 1.1 (October 01, 2021)
- Fixed minor bug for mobile version banner
Version: 1.0 (September 28, 2021)
Initial Release.