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TurtlePass – Team Password Manager

TurtlePass is a self-hosted team password manager for companies to share passwords with there teams. Each password will be encrypted and can be shared, secured by an advanced access control system. Create users and add passwords to your account. Then you can share it with selected users if you want. Additionally, it can be integrated […]

Team Password for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script. Brief description Team Password Module is a self-hosted team password manager for companies to share passwords with there teams or clients. Each password will be encrypted and can be shared, secured by an advanced access control system. Dashboard The easiest and safest way […]

Password Manager for RISE CRM

Note: This is not a standalone application. This is a plugin for RISE CRM. You have to install the RISE – Ultimate Project Manager & CRM to use this plugin. ​ Description: ​ The easiest and safest way to share passwords, emails, credit cards, software licenses and more, with your team members. It’s easy, safe […]

EPM – Easy Password Manager

Overview EPM (Easy Password Manager) is a responsive, user-friendly and easy password management software that is built completely using PHP and MySQL. This application is mainly developed targeting those clients who always face into difficulties to remember so many passwords that are used by them very frequently in their daily tasks. Sometimes a person runs […]

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