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Team Password for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Not a standalone script.

Brief description

Team Password Module is a self-hosted team password manager for companies to share passwords with there teams or clients. Each password will be encrypted and can be shared, secured by an advanced access control system.

  1. Dashboard

  2. The easiest and safest way to share passwords, credit cards, email, server, software license and more, with the people that matter most. Go ahead, forget your passwords – Team Password Module remembers them all for you.

  3. Make it easy for your team to store, generate and share strong passwords. The less time you need to spend dealing with hacks, phishing scams, and lost passwords, the better.

  4. Share critical passwords with your colleagues and clients without worries. Use one of two sharing permissions to grant varying levels of access to different individuals or teams.

  5. Integrating Team password with Contract and Project

  6. Category Management (Support hierarchical organization)

  7. Client portal

  8. Set up email templates for customers

  9. Detailed statistics

  10. All your password are stored AES-256 encrypted in the database

Please check out the uploaded screenshots, which demonstrates all visible parts of the module.


Perfex CRM Team Password Demo


Included documentation will help you upload and activate the module inside Perfex CRM, if you are not aware on how to do it.


Our support team is always around to help. Feel free to raise a support ticket.
Guys from support department will get back to you as soon as possible with a reply, guiding you through any issues.


Version 1.0.0 / 2020-07-16

    Initial version

Version 1.0.1 / 2020-07-26

    Fix minor bug
    Update user interface
    Integrate team password with contract
    Add security key in Settings
    Share by category
    Add detailed statistics
    Add email form settings for clients

Version 1.0.2 / 2020-07-27

    Show security key in Settings

Version 1.0.3 / 2020-08-02

    Fix minor bug
    Add hooks so customers can see the team passwords added in the contract (Please read the instruction manual for configuring hooks)
    Attach file when creating team password
    Optimize the way the contract is displayed
    Preview attachment

Version 1.0.4 / 2020-08-20

    Add dashboard
    Integrate team passwords with the project (Please read the instruction manual for configuring hooks)
    Attach multiple contracts
    Attach multiple files and preview
    Add activity log feature for each team password
    Automatic warning when password expires
    Notification when password changes

Version 1.0.5 / 2020-08-21

    Show information directly in the contract
    When the security key is updated, the passwords are automatically re-encrypted

Version 1.0.6 / 2020-09-11

    Organize categories by tree hierarchy
    Share or add permission according to the category hierarchy tree
    Update UI
    A Team Password can attach multiple contracts or projects

Version 1.0.8 / 2020-11-19

    Fix minor bugs
    Upgrade a few small features
    Additional languages: bulgarian, catalan, chinese, czech, dutch, french, german, greek, indonesia, italian, japanese, persian, polish, portuguese, romanian, russian, slovak, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian, vietnamese.  

Version 1.0.9 / 2021-03-28

    Fix minor bugs.
    Remove all required condition of all field.
    Add feature share password to all contact of customer group.
    Share password to customer unlimit. 
    Add feature: send notify to contact.
    Add an All tab next to Normal which is the default view. This will show all passwords types in the category.
    Contacts are be able to see categories and passwords similarly to how the admins see them.
    Add feature: import excel file.
    Add filter, mass delete in share screen by category.
    Contact can add password.
    Add feature: copy password to clipboard in one click.
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