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StudyBuddy SaaS – Collaborative Student Productivity Tool

StudyBuddy is the ultimate tool to propel students toward academic excellence. Say goodbye to disorganized study routines and hello to streamlined productivity and remarkable achievements. With StudyBuddy, you’ll experience a new level of organization and efficiency. Seamlessly manage your tasks, assignments, and projects all in one place. Prioritize easily, and watch as your workload becomes […]

Spack SaaS – Task Management System

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We want to ensure complete transparency with our customers. This item only supports Stripe as the payment gateway, as it relies on Laravel Cashier behind the scenes. If you need features such as free plans, manual payments, or alternative gateways, this product may not be suitable for your requirements. As of now, we […]

Workflow Rules and Automation Module for Perfex

Note: This is not a standalone application. This is a plugin for Perfex CRM. You have to install the Perfex – Powerful Open Source CRM to use this plugin. Are you wondering how you can Empower your team to deliver the best work?
You can now Automate repetitive Actions in your Workflow using Workflow Automation Module. […]

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