VidoRev Theme – Current version ( 06 February, 2025 ) available for download!
VidoRev – Video WordPress Theme
VidoRev ( Video Revolution ) is a Responsive WordPress Theme best suitable for video, movie, news, magazine or blog. With powerful features for Video, it will bring a whole new experience.
Main Features
Sample Configurations:
Change Log:
Ver (01/07/2025) - 1. Update: Youzify 3.5.6 - 2. Fix: Unauthorized access due to a missing capability check ( vidorev_import_single_video function )
Ver (01/07/2025) - 1. Update: CMB2 2.11.0 (Compatible Version) - 2. Update: X-Share URL - 3. Update: Documentation - 4. Update: Change the translation file loading hook - 5. Minor bugfixes
Ver (08/16/2024) - 1. Update: CMB2 2.11.0 - 2. Minor bugfixes
Ver (07/26/2024) - 1. Fixed: Displays data fields corresponding to post types - 2. Improved: CSS for the new design of Paid Membership Pro - 3. Improved: Remove scrollbar for iframe - 4. Update: Youzify V.3.5.4 - 5. Minor bugfixes
Ver (07/19/2024) - 1. Update: Youzify V.3.5.3 - 2. Minor bugfixes
Ver (01/17/2024) - 1. Update: Compatible with buddyPress V.12 - 2. Update: Compatible with Youzify V.3.4.8 - 3. Update: Youzify V.3.4.8 - 4. Minor bugfixes
Ver (10/17/2023) - 1. Update: FluidPlayer 3.25.0 - 2. Update: Vimeo API (.PEM file) - 3. Update: Class Fetch Data (Youtube Api) - 4. Minor bugfixes
Ver (08/11/2023) - 1. Update: FluidPlayer 3.21.0 - 2. Update: Youzify 3.3.8 - 3. Minor bugfixes
Ver (03/15/2023) - 1. Fixed: Auto show playlist in single video post not working with PHP8 - 2. Fixed: Compatible wpcf7_add_form_tag function of new version CF7 plugin. - 3. Improved: Changed some functions to be compatible with Elementor 3.5 - 4. Minor bugfixes
Ver (12/17/2022) - 1. Fixed: Video Lightbox not working with PHP8 - 2. Fixed: Pagination in playlist (single video post) not working properly - 3. Update: Compatible with Yasr plug-in – Yet Another Stars Rating 3.1.6 - 4. Update: Youzify 3.3.3 - 5. Minor bugfixes
Ver (06/23/2022) Fixed:CSS for Ajax Search Lite
Ver (05/23/2022) - 1. Fixed: Elementor - _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0 - 2. Fixed: vidorev_clear_cron_jobs function syntax error - 3. Fixed: wp_read_video_metadata function does not exist when processing post submission. - 4. Minor bugfixes
Ver (01/15/2022) - 1. Update: Youzify 3.3.0 (formerly Youzer) - 2. Fixed: Channel query by user ID not working in Multisite - 3. Minor bugfixes
Ver (10/12/2021) - 1. Update: Youzify 3.2.5 (formerly Youzer) - 2. Fix: MyCred's CSS file load failed - 3. Compatible with Drag & Drop Upload CF7 plugin Pro Version (chunk upload feature) - 4. Encrypt video link in HTML code ( For self-hosted videos when used with FluidPlayer ) - 5. Compatible with WP Offload Media Lite plugin (Front-end video submission form) - 6. Minor bugfixes
Ver (09/10/2021) - 1. Update: Youzify 3.1.9 (formerly Youzer) - 2. Compatible with CleanLogin 1.12.8 - 3. Fix: IMDB score not showing when Ajax load in content block - 4. Fix: Button is not visible in focus state (due to MyCred css library) - 5. Fix: Video ad unmute button not showing. - 6. Add some hooks in the video post submission source code. - 7. Minor bugfixes
Ver (07/21/2021) - 1. Update: Youzify 3.1.6 (formerly Youzer) - 2. Compatible with WP 5.8 ( use the classic management tool for widgets ) - 3. Minor bugfixes
Ver (06/24/2021) - 1. Update: Youzify 3.1.5 (formerly Youzer) - Working with BuddyPress 8.0 - 2. Compatible with: Youzify 3.1.5 (formerly Youzer) Please review the instructions carefully before performing the upgrade: We are not responsible if you make a mistake and lose data. Ideally, you should back up before doing this. - 3. Custom field for video preview [use to replace main video in preview mode]
Ver (05/14/2021) - 1. Update: PLYR 3.6.8 - 2. Update: OverlayScrollbars 1.13.1 - 3. Update: Youzify 3.1.2 (formerly Youzer) - 4. Compatible with: Youzify 3.1.2 (formerly Youzer) Please review the instructions carefully before performing the upgrade: We are not responsible if you make a mistake and lose data. Ideally, you should back up before doing this. - 5. Update: Hooks (for programmers - data processing when opening the video lightbox) - 6. Improved: myCred hook for player when watching video - 7. Fixed some bugs related to horizontal scroll bar on iOS 14.5 ( MalihuScrollbar & OverlayScrollbars ) - 8. Minor bugfixes
Ver (04/02/2021) - 1. Update: CMB2 2.9.0 - 2. Compatible with: CMB2 2.9.0 - 3. Update: Youzify 3.0.9 (formerly Youzer) - 4. Compatible with: Youzify 3.0.9 (formerly Youzer) Please review the instructions carefully before performing the upgrade: We are not responsible if you make a mistake and lose data. Ideally, you should back up before doing this. - 5. Update: PLYR 3.6.4 - 6. New: "Infinite Scroll" paging for content blocks. - 7. New: "Loadmore Button" paging for content blocks. - 8. Fixed: Google IMA ads cannot be clicked - 9. Minor bugfixes
Ver (02/28/2021) - 1. Update: CMB2 2.8.0 - 2. Compatible with: CMB2 2.8.0 - 3. Update: Youzify 3.0.4 (formerly Youzer) - 4. Compatible with: Youzify 3.0.4 (formerly Youzer) Please review the instructions carefully before performing the upgrade: We are not responsible if you make a mistake and lose data. Ideally, you should back up before doing this. - 5. Compatible with: CleanLogin - 6. myCRED: Additional features for hook "[VidoRev] Points for Viewing Videos": As soon as video starts playing Interval - For each x number of seconds watched Users will have to watch the entire video to earn points - 7. Add some hooks to customize the query (for Developer) - 8. Minor bugfixes - 9. Update Documentation
Ver (01/24/2021) - 1. Update: FontAwesome 5.15.2 - 2. Improve: FontAwesome Shim Load for V4
Ver (01/22/2021) - 1. Fix: User Report Video ( Submit report without login - Error message) - 2. Improve: Notifications Page ( Display notification when not subscribed to any channel ) - 3. Fix: Youtube Automatic ( The duration of the video imported from Youtube is incorrect. ) - 4. Fix some spelling mistakes. - 5. Optimize and add options to enable/disable WP-Nonces for compatibility with some cache tools. - 6. Upgrade: FontAwesome 15.15.1 - 7. Upgrade: Lazysizes 5.3.0 - 8. Added feature for Multi-Links in Multi-Group mode ( You can use the Prev / Next button to go through all videos in the group. ) - 9. Improve: Video Advertising for Self-Hosted video on iOS - 10. Fix: Schema-Makup when using Yet Another Stars Rating plugin - 11. Minor bugfixes
Ver (11/23/2020) - 1. New feature: Sign In To Watch ( ) - 2. Upgrade: Advance Filter Tags ( Advance Search 2.0 ) - User experience and interaction - 3. Improve: Time-Lapses - 4. Update: PLYR 3.6.3 - 5. Improve: Watch Trailer for Membership feature - 6. Upgrade: User Report Video - Submit report without login - 7. Minor bugfixes
Ver (10/26/2020) - 1. Fix: Megamenu - Duplicated data fields in WordPress menu management. - 2. Fix: Youzer's header overlaps the main navigation bar - 3. Compatible with Cleanlogin version: 1.12 - 4. Add link for a playlist title [Sub-toolbar] - 5. Improved instagram visibility in post content ( Instagram Embeds ) - 6. Minor bugfixes
Ver (10/03/2020) - 1. Improve: Header template - 2. Improve: Footer template - 3. Compatible with Elementor Pro Header and Footer builder mode ( Turotial: )
Ver (10/02/2020) - 1. Improve: Option Off/On background image for player - 2. Compatible with the new Twitch API [App Access Tokens] ( ) - 3. Ignore the old method of fetching data from Twitch API-V5
Ver (09/29/2020) - 1. New: Custom Color For Main Navigation - 2. New: Preview Thumbnails for FluidPlayer ( self-hosted video ) - 3. Improve: Background image for FluidPlayer & MediaElements.js ( featured image ) - 5. Fix: RTL ( Full-Width Mode ) - 6. Minor bugfixes
Ver (09/19/2020) - 1. Update: Youzer 2.6.0 - 2. Update: Compatible with Youzer's Lazyload feature - 3. Fix: Youtube Automatic ( Error Object: PageInfo->totalResults) - 4. Fix: Youtube Importer ( PHP-Error when category is not selected ) - 5. Minor bugfixes
Ver (09/14/2020) - 1. New: Pagination for Single Playlist ( Video post list ) - 2. New: Pagination for Single Actor ( Video post list ) - 3. New: Pagination for Single Director ( Video post list ) - 4. New: Support WP Pagenavi for single Channel - 5. New: Pagination for Single Post Video ( When operating in playlist mode ) - 6. New: Support Overlay-Scrollbars library ( ThemeOptions -> Styling -> Scroll to: Scrollbar Library ) - 7. Bug fix: RTL for Sidemenu ( Full-width mode ) - 8. Bug fix: CSS conflict with YASR Plugin. - 9. Minor bugfixes
Ver (09/06/2020) - 1. Bug fix: Query function for video posts with Playlist and Channel. - 2. Bug fix: Suggested Posts - Query ( PHP Error when querying a post from a series or playlist ). - 3. Data upgrade tool for Channels and Playlists ( convert data from old versions for compatibility with version and future versions ). Go to: WordPress Dashboard -> VidoRev -> UPGRADES CHANNELS/PLAYLISTS ( Converts data type from integer to string )
Ver (09/05/2020) - 1. New: Support "myCred Sell Content" for Video Post: - 2. Update: Youzer 2.5.8 - 3. Update: Documentation - 4. Fix: Youzer's sidebar is not working properly ( on full width layout ) - 5. Fix: Some query functions are not working correctly ( find channel by post ID, find series by post ID ... ) - 6. Minor bugfixes
Ver (08/27/2020) - 1. Update: Youzer 2.5.7 - 2. Update: Compatible with Elementor's "Optimized DOM Output" version 3.x - - 3. Update: VidoRev Extensions
Ver (08/14/2020) - 1. Update: Youzer 2.5.5 - 2. Fix: MegaMenu not working (Front-End)
If you encounter javascript error or cannot update via Envato Market Plugin when using WordPress 5.5 – Please see below instructions to update VidoRev to the latest version ( – This version is compatible with WordPress 5.5 (released August 11, 2020 ):
1/ Go to:
2/ Scroll to the VidoRev theme, Click to Download & Installable WordPress file only.
3/ Install and Activate the “WP File Manager” plugin.
4/ Go to WordPress Dashboard -> WP File Manager -> Open folder “wp-content/themes”, then upload the latest version of the theme and unzip it ( To unzip, right click on the file -> Extract Files From Archive -> Here )
Video Tutorial:
Ver (08/12/2020) - 1. Update: Youzer 2.5.4 - 2. Fix: Javascript Object Error in WordPress 5.5 - 3. Fix: wp_localize_script not working on WordPress 5.5 ( ) Ver (07/15/2020) - 1. Update: Fluidplayer 3.0.4 - 2. Fix: Register Form ( Compatible with CleanLogin version 1.11.1 ) Ver (07/06/2020) - 1. Update: Youzer 2.5.1 - 2. Fix: User Submit Post ( Compatible with ContactForm7 version 5.2 ) Ver (06/28/2020) - 1. Update: Fluidplayer 3.0.3 - 2. Fix: Automatically identify MP4 and M3U8 files [with FluidPlayer Library] Ver (06/22/2020) - 1. Improved: Block widget & Slider Widget ( Add hooks for easy customization ) - 2. Fix: "User Submit Video" does not work with Polylang - 3. Fix: "Youtube Importer" Javascript Error ( when the playlist has a private video ) Ver (06/10/2020) - 1. Improved: Notification feature ( New videos of the week and month ) - 2. Improved: Notification feature ( Hide blinking icon when visiting notification page ) - 3. Improved: Widget Navigation Menu ( wordpress default widget ) - 4. Update: Fluidplayer 3.0.1 ( Added option to use 3.x version via CDN ) - 5. Update: Youzer 2.5.0 - 6. Update: Notice for updating VidoRev Extensions plugin on WordPress Dashboard - 7. Update: Google API Library for PHP 2.5.0 - 8. Improved: Channel Block in Single Post Video ( Display channel of video and subscription button ) - 9. Fix: Right To Left ( The slider does not work when RTL mode is enabled ) Ver (05/20/2020) - 1. Fix: PHP - Fatal Error ( User Submit Video [Front-End] - When not using drag and drop mode ) - 2. Update: Youzer 2.4.9 Ver (05/16/2020) - 1. Compatible with Font Awesome 5 - 2. Fix: Conflict with Font Awesome 5 when used with Elementor - 3. Improved: Remove the yz-icons library (Font Awesome 5) of Youzer Ver (05/15/2020) - 1. New Youtube Live Video: - 2. New: Drag & Drop Upload for video field: [ ] - ( Works with two modes: Self-Hosted & On Another Server [via FTP] ) - 3. New: TimeLapse Style 2: - 4. Improved: Video Lightbox ( Query same Series & same Playlist ) - 5. Improved: Video Lightbox ( Query Sort By: Title, Oldest Items, Preserve post ID order ) - 6. Improved: Video Lightbox ( New layout [Special] ) - 7. Improved: User Submit Post ( Add some hooks ) - 8. Update: PLYR 3.6.2 - 9. Update: Youzer 2.4.8 - 10. Update: Documentation - 11. Fix: Video Ad ( Google Adsense ) - 12. Minor bugfixes Ver (04/10/2020) - 1. Fix: Woocommerce Membership on the video lightbox - 2. Fix: VidoRev Javascript Library ( Woocommerce Membership on the video lightbox ) - 3. Update: Envato Theme Check (wp_body_open() ) function - 4. Improved: Login icon for mobile devices Ver (04/03/2020) - 1. New: TMDB TV-Shows Import ( for single video post & video series ) - 2. New: TMDB TV-Shows Import - Automatically Generate the Post Thumbnail - 3. New: Dynamic Video Ads ( ) - 4. Update: Youzer 2.4.7 Note: after updating Youzer to version 2.4.7, you need to follow the steps below: Notice 1 : First of all install the new patch "Optimize Youzer Database". Notice 2 : Install the second patch "Upgrade media system database". (Video Tutorial: ) - 5. Fix: PLYR Fullscreen mode in Safari (iOS 13.4) - 6. Minor bugfixes Ver (03/26/2020) - 1. New: TMDB Movie Import - Automatically Generate the Post Thumbnail ( ) - 2. Update: Youzer 2.4.6 Note: after updating Youzer to version 2.4.6, you need to follow the steps below: Notice 1 : First of all install the new patch "Optimize Youzer Database". Notice 2 : Install the second patch "Upgrade media system database". Ver (03/26/2020) - 1. New: Time-Lapse ( seekTo ) for Single Video: - 2. Update: Twitch API ( V5 to new Twitch API: ) - 3. Improved: Optimize the display of video lightbox on Ultrawide screen - 4. Improved: Fetch Data for Twtich Video - 5. Update: VidoRev Extensions Version - 6. Update: Youzer 2.4.5 Note: after updating Youzer to version 2.4.5, you need to follow the steps below: Notice 1 : First of all install the new patch "Optimize Youzer Database". Notice 2 : Install the second patch "Upgrade media system database". Ver (03/23/2020) - 1. Fix: Fatal Error: Yet Another Stars Rating Plugin v2.2.3 ( ) - 2. Update: VidoRev Extensions Version - 3. Update: Youzer 2.4.3 Note: after updating Youzer to version 2.4.3, you need to follow the steps below: Notice 1 : First of all install the new patch "Optimize Youzer Database". Notice 2 : Install the second patch "Upgrade media system database". Ver (03/22/2020) - 1. New (Beta): Woocommerce Membership - Restrict Content & Video ( ) - 2. New (Beta): Woocommerce Membership - Hide ads with members who bought a plan ( ) - 3. Improved: Video Ads for Plyr Player - 4. Improved: User Submit Video - 5. Update: Youzer 2.4.2 - 6. Update: Documentation - 7. Update: TMDB Import ( Movie name in local language [if available] ) - 8. Fix: Preview mode for protected videos ( Premium Video & Membership ) - 9. Fix: Selecting the post format does not work correctly on MacOS ( Add New/Edit Post ) - 10. Minor bugfixes Note: after updating Youzer to version 2.4.2, you need to follow the steps below: Notice 1 : First of all install the new patch "Optimize Youzer Database". Notice 2 : Install the second patch "Upgrade media system database". Ver (03/06/2020) - 1. New: TMDB Movie Import ( for single post video: - ) - 2. New: Compatible With: Video Blogster Pro ( ) - 3. New: Upload button for self-hosted videos ( in Add new/Edit post - Admin Dashboard ) - 4. New: Actor/Director Background Banner - 5. Update: PLYR v3.5.10 - 6. Update: Documentation - 7. Update: Add some hooks ( for vidorev_thumbnail function ) - 8. Improved: data fetch feature ( for video post ) - 9. Improved: Vidorev Javascript Library - 10. Minor bugfixes Ver (02/03/2020) - 1. New: PLYR Player for Youtube - - 2. New: PLYR Player for Vimeo - - 3. New: Support CloudFlare Video Embed - - 4. New: Bulk update tool (random) for likes and dislikes - 5. Update: CMB2 Version 2.7.0 - 6. Update: Vimeo.php Library 3.0.5 - 7. Update: Select2 Javascript Library 4.0.13 - 8. Update: Lazyload Library 5.2.0 - 9. Improved: Vidorev Javascript Library - 10. Minor bugfixes Ver (01/20/2020) - 1. Update: FluidPlayer 2.4.10 - 2. Fix: Hls.isSupported() function does not work on iOS - Safari Browser Ver 2.9.9 (01/09/2020) - 1. New: Query offset ( for widget Block [Elementor] ) - 2. New: Query offset ( for widget Slider [Elementor] ) - 3. Improved: Related Posts ( post format video ) Ver 2.9.8 (01/03/2020) - 1. New: Posting Without Login ( for User Submit Post ) - 2. New: Notify by email when approving posts submitted by users ( for User Submit Post ) - 3. Improved: Video Multi-Links in Playlist ( Query String [URL] ) - 4. Improved: Query in Single Playlist ( Ascending Order & Sescending Order ) - 5. Improved: Query in Shortcode Playlist ( Ascending Order & Sescending Order ) - 6. Improved: Multi-Links ( Query String [URL] ) - 7. Fix: Generate Attachment Metadata for Video ( for User Submit Post [ WordPress Stateless Media Plugin ] ) - 8. Update: CSS for myCred Leaderboard Widget [ with Elementor ] - 9. Minor bugfixes Ver 2.9.6 (12/16/2019) - 1. Update: FluidPlayer 2.4.9 - 2. Update: Video Ad ( VPAID 2.0 for self-hosted video ) - 3. Update: User Submit ( Playlists Awaiting Review ) - 4. Update: User Submit ( Channels Awaiting Review ) - 5. Update: Hide Video Ad for subscriptions groups ( Paid Membership Pro ) - 6. Update: CSS for myCred Leaderboard Widget - 7. Minor bugfixes Ver 2.9.3 (12/03/2019) - 1. Improved: VidoRev Javascript Library (for player) - 2. Improved: Autoplay Policy Changes ( Muted autoplay is always allowed ) - 3. New: Preview Mode ( Video ) - 4. New: Preview Mode ( Image Slideshow ) - 5. Fix: Shortcode Video - 6. Minor bugfixes Ver 2.9.2 (11/28/2019) - 1. Update: Youzer 2.3.9 - 2. Update: Documentation - 3. New: Assign video posts to channels and playlists ( WP Automatic plugin & Youtube Videos To WordPress Posts plugin ) - 4. New: Ad above the channel - 5. Minor bugfixes - 6. Use shortcodes for ad positions Ver 2.9.1 (11/21/2019) - 1. Update: Youzer 2.3.7 Ver 2.9.0 (11/20/2019) - 1. New: Quality tags ( for single post video ) - 2. Update: Youzer 2.3.6 - 3. Minor bugfixes Ver 2.8.9 (11/12/2019) - 1. New: [Ad] Above Video Player - 2. New: Weibo Sharing - 3. Improved: Widget post-on hook - 4. Improved: Schema Makups - 5. Improved: Turn ON/OFF iframe sharing - 6. Fix: Single Post Playlist ( Notice: Undefined index ) - 7. Update: Documentation - 8. Improved: fetch data with WP Automatic Plugin - 9. Improved: fetch data with WP Video Robot plugin - 10. Improved: fetch data with Youtube Videos To WordPress Posts plugin Ver 2.8.8 (10/28/2019) - 1. New: Ads Settings for Members - 2. New: Like/Dislike/Viewing (Video) hooks for myCRED - 3. Improved: User Submit Video (player library for self-hosted video) - 4. Improved: Video Advertising on Lightbox - 5. Improved: Translate PO file ( Vidorev Extensions plugin ) - 6. Minor bugfixes Ver 2.6.8 (10/08/2019) - 1. New: Custom Player aspect ratio ( width/height*100% for Desktop & Mobile) - 2. Improved: Next/Prev video button ( playlist, series ) - 3. Improved: Multi-Links - 4. Fix: Ajax Search Lite ( javascript conflict ) - 5. Fix: Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed ( php & css conflict ) Ver 2.3.9 (09/12/2019) - 1. Improved: Verify purchase code Ver 2.3.8 (09/10/2019) - 1. New: Notifications ( features for channel ) - 2. New: Video Subtitles ( for self-hosted video - Webvtt (.vtt) format ) - 3. New: Video Series ( style 3 ) - 4. New: Advance Filter Tags ( with Blog Page Template ) - 5. New: WooCommerce Premium Video ( Sell Video ) - 6. Update: Youzer 2.3.4 - 7. Update: Documentation - 8. Fix: Actor & Director Query - 9. Improved: Player Library - 10. Minor bugfixes Ver 2.1.9 (07/5/2019) - 1. Fix: Channel Tab Order - 2. Fix: CSS series Dropdown Style - 3. Add Hook for Video Ad ( HTML mode ) Ver 2.1.8 (06/27/2019) - 1. New: AMP for Single Video Post - 2. New: Compatible with OPT-IN PANDA ( You need to buy this plugin to use: ) - 3. New: Front-end Submission ( Storage in Google Drive via Service Account ) - 4. New: Front-end Submission ( Storage on Another Server via FTP ) - 5. New: Dropdown Style for Video Series - 6. New: Theater Mode - 7. Update: Youzer 2.3.1 - 8. Fix: Shortcode Playlist & Video ( JSON Error ) - 9. Improved: Single Video Playlist - 11. Fix: Auto Fetch Data (Views, Likes, Dislike Count) - 12. Minor bugfixes Ver 2.1.6 (05/22/2019) - 1. WP Requirements Compliant - 2. Improved: Lazyload Image ( Performance ) - 3. Fix: Admin Javascript Error - 4. Update: Youzer 2.2.6 - 5. Fix: Placeholder Background in Lazyload mode (CSS) Ver 2.1.1 (05/15/2019) - 1. Fix: Youtube Live Broadcast - Image Thumbnails ( not showing in lazyload mode ) - 2. Fix: Widget Post Query - 3. Fix: Video Player ( VidoRev Javascript Library ) - 4. Update: Youzer 2.2.5 Ver 2.1.0 (05/13/2019) - 1. New: Single Video Clean Style ( ) - 2. New: Pre-Roll Video Ad for Embed Mode ( supports: Image, HTML5 Video, Google Adsense, Google IMA ) - 3. New: Front-end Submission ( Maximum upload file size for free level ) - 4. New: Front-end Submission combined with Paid Membership Pro plugin - 5. New: Time Ago ( Change your post date display to “time ago” format ) - 6. New: Whatsapp Share Button - 7. Improved: Youtube Automatic: User, Channel with API Search ( publishedAfter, publishedBefore ) - 8. Improved: Youtube Automatic: Sub API Key ( Apply API key for each task ) - 9. Improved: Youtube Automatic: Compare and ignore duplicate videos - 10. Improved: Front-end Submission - 11. Improved: Sample Data [ fix bug & add new sample data for full-width mode ] - 12. Fix: Fake View Counts ( in Classic Editor Mode ) - 13. Fix: Youtube Importer ( Error importing titles containing special characters ) - 14. Fix: Facebook Comment loading icon. - 15. Fix bug CSS & JS - 16. Upgrade: MailPoet 3 ( Replace for MailPoet 2 ) - 17. Update: Youzer 2.2.4 - 18. Update: Documentation - 19. Envato's new requirements Ver 2.0.4 (03/21/2019) - 1. Fix: VidoRev Thumbnail - 2. Improved: Playlist View All Ver 2.0.3 (03/20/2019) - 1. Fix: RTL - 2. Improved: Javascript Performance - 3. Improved: IMDB Plugin - 4. Fix: CMB2 ( multi-links ) - 5. Improved: VidoRev Video Library - 6. New: Fake Likes, Dislikes, Views - 7. Improved: Schema Markup - 8. Improved: Custom CSS Ver 2.0.0 (03/07/2019) - 1. New: FluidPlayer - 2. New: Digital Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) - 3. New: Full-Width Layout - 4. New: Schema ( Google Structured Data Markup ) For Single Post (& Video) - 5. New: Embedding and Sharing Videos - 6. New: Slider Styles: 9 & 10 (for Elementor) - 7. New: Block Layouts: Grid Default - Full Width, Grid Special - Full Width, Grid Modern - Full Width, Grid Poster - Full Width, Grid Small - Full Width (for Elementor) - 8. New: Ajax Live Data Search ( for Side Menu layout ) - 9. New: Show More/Less Button for Single Post Video - 10. Update: CMB2 2.6.0 - 11. Improved: Video Ads - 12. Improved: Channel, Playlist Query - 13. Improved: Auto Fetch Data - 14. Improved: Youtube Automatic - 15. Improved: Youtube Importer - 16. Improved: Series & Playlist target link (for Elementor) - 17. Update: Documentation - 18. Minor bugfixes - 19: Allow Users to Delete the Post From the Front-End Ver 1.3.6 (01/19/2019) - 1. New: Trailer Video ( with Paid Membership Pro ) - 2. New: Shortcode Video - 3. New: Shortcode Playlist - 4. New: Wistia (iframe) Embed - 5. New: Video Lightbox Title - 6. New: Roles ( front-end submit post ) - 7. New: Widget Related Posts ( for single post ) - 8. New: Premium Download with External links - 9. New: Update Post, Playlist, Channel from the Front-end - 10. Update: Youzer 2.1.9 - 11. Update: CMB2 2.5.1 - 12. Improved: Video Lightbox for Embed mode - 13. Improved: Blog Page Template - 14. Improved: WooCommerce & BBPress Sidebar - 15. Improved: Slider 2 ( for Elementor ) - 16. New: Gif image for Featured image - 17. Fix: Series & Playlist target link - 18. Fix: Password Protection for video post - 19. Fix: Text Domain ( for vidorev extensions plugin ) - 20. Minor bugfixes Ver 1.2.6 (11/07/2018) - 1. New: Youtube Automatic ( Developed by BeeTeam368 ) - 2. New: Submit Playlist & Channel - 3. New: Subscribe/Add To Playlist button in sub-toolbar - 4. New: Playlist & Channel Tab for member profile - 5. Fix: Grid Small Post Meta - 6. New: Mega Menu with Link & Navigation - 7: Fix: Video Icon in Slider 3 & 4 - 8. Improved: Front-end submit video - 9: Improved: Optimized for WordPress 5.0 - 10: Minor bugfixes Ver 1.2 (11/06/2018) - 1. New: BuddyPress Integration ( with Youzer by KaineLabs ) - 2. New: myCRED Integration ( with Youzer by KaineLabs ) - 3. New: Youzer Plugin ( KaineLabs ) Integration - 4. Fix: Vertical Menu - 5. Fix: CF7 Addons ( Categories, Video Submit ) - 6. Fix: Video Series with Multi-Links - 7. New: Ads Banner For Mobile Devices - 8: New: Prev/Next/Show More Video in main toolbar - 9: New: Top Menu - 10: New Categories Page - 11: Minor bugfixes Ver (10/08/2018) - 1. New: Vertical menu layout - 2. New: Video Rating - 3. Improved: User Submit Video - 4. Improved: Sample Data - 5. Improved: Video Channel - 6. Improved: Sorting Data - 7: New: Video Ads for JwPlayer - 8: Minor bugfixes Ver (09/11/2018) - 1. New: Video Channels - 2. New: Subscriptions - 3: New: Video Multi-Links - 4: New: Users can upload videos from the frontend - 5: New: Video Moderation - 6: Minor bugfixes Ver (08/14/2018) - 1. New: Custom Player ( Shortcode support from 3rd party ) - 2. New: support GD Player ( shortcode ) - 3: Improved: youtube importer for single video url - 4: Improved: Javascript performance - 5: Minor bugfixes Ver (08/10/2018) - 1. Improved: Query optimization - 2. Improved: Google Drive video ( for large files ) - 3: Minor bugfixes Ver 1.0.6 (08/07/2018) - 1. New: WooCommerce Ready - 2. New: Free/Premium Downloads - 3. New: HLS (.m3u8) support - 4: Update: Documentation - 5: Improved: Google Drive Video - 6: Minor bugfixes Ver (07/25/2018) - 1. New: support Google Drive Video - 2. New: Fetching Video Data From Google Drive Automatically - 3. New: Video Ads (HTML5 Video, Image Ad, Google Adsense) - 4: Minor bugfixes Ver (07/17/2018) - 1. New: Membership ( restrict content & video ) - 2. New: Amazon Affiliate - 3. New: Grid Small Layout (3 columns & 4 columns) - 4: Minor bugfixes Ver 1.0.5 (07/02/2018) - 1. New: Video Series - 2. New: Sub-Toolbar - 3. New: Video Report - 4. Improved: Theme Options - 5: Minor bugfixes Ver 1.0.4 (06/16/2018) - 1. New: Youtube Live Broadcast - 2. New: Youtube Import Playlist & Channel to WordPress - 3. New: Youtube Player Settings - 4. New: Image Lightbox - 5. New: Transfer videos from other themes to VidoRev - 6: Update: CMB2 2.4.2 - 7: Update: Documentation - 8: Minor bugfixes Ver 1.0.3 (05/29/2018) - 1. New: bbPress Forum - 2. Improved: Self-hosted video ( flv, wmv, ogv, webm, m4v, mp4 ) - 3. New: Disqus Comments - 4: Update: CMB2 2.4.1 - 5: Update: Documentation - 6: Minor bugfixes Ver 1.0.2 (05/22/2018) - 1. New: Facebook SDK - 2. Improved: Sticky Video - 3. New: Scroll To Top Button - 4: Improved: Grid Poster Layout - 5: Minor bugfixes - 6: Update: Documentation Ver 1.0.1 (05/19/2018) - Add Facebook Comment - Improved: Icon Video - The number of videos in the playlist - Improved: Sample data Ver 1.0.0 (05/17/2018) - Initial Release