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MusicPlay – Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme

Note: Using the theme Ajaxified option will not give compatibility for some plugins. we would recommend using non-Ajaxified option to make work with third-party plugins. You can enable or disable the Ajaxified option from theme options panel. MusicPlay is a powerful and responsive Music Band & DJ WordPress Theme with pretty much advanced features like […]

MusicPlay – Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme

Note: Using the theme Ajaxified option will not give compatibility for some plugins. we would recommend using non-Ajaxified option to make work with third-party plugins. You can enable or disable the Ajaxified option from theme options panel. MusicPlay is a powerful and responsive Music Band & DJ WordPress Theme with pretty much advanced features like […]

Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme

VICE VERSION 3 IS OUT! The most stunning WordPress theme for underground music websites Now with a new interactive 3D background and Elementor support, plus 8 new Elementor widgets, glitch effexts, 3d interactions, carousels and sliders. Introducing a new child theme: DHRK! (included with Vice) A minimal stunning super fast child theme for Vice, to […]

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