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E-commerce Business Modules Bundle for Perfex CRM

Perfex Ecommerce Business Bundle Note: This is a bundle of modules for Perfex CRM. Unlock the full potential of Perfex CRM with the our bundle. Purchase it now and take your business to new heights! The Perfex Ecommerce Business Bundle is designed to offer a comprehensive collection of Business Modules that can be integrated in […]

PerfShield – The powerful security toolset for Perfex CRM

Security module for Perfex CRM Introducing PerfShield, the ultimate security module for Perfex CRM. Protect your Perfex CRM installation with PerfShield today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a secure system. Perfex CRM is a robust and reliable CRM system that has been built to cater to the needs of businesses […]

Perfex CRM – Flat Theme for Admin (Backend) Interface

Note: This is not a standalone script. It is a backend theme (staff-admin area) for Perfex CRM. Perfex can be purchased here. In case you are looking for the frontend version (clients area) of the theme, you can purchase it here. Admin area theme for Perfex Flat admin theme for Perfex CRM, redesigns the backend’s […]

Appointment Module for Perfex CRM

This is a module for Perfex CRM Demo: Click Here Appointment Module for Perfex CRM The Appointment Manager is a module for Perfex CRM designed to streamline the scheduling process by incorporating location-based appointments, service options, and staff selection. It offers a robust and scalable solution for efficiently managing appointments with enhanced reliability. Google calendar […]

Stripe SEPA Direct Debit payment gateway for Perfex

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM. Unlock the power of seamless payment processing with our innovative module designed exclusively for Perfex CRM! Charge your Perfex customers with Stripe SEPA mandates We are thrilled to present you with a game-changing solution that enables webmasters to effortlessly accept Stripe SEPA automatic payments, revolutionizing the way […]

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